iShares FTSE China 25 Index Fund is an exchange traded fund incorporated in the USA. The Fund seeks investment results that correspond to the price and yield performance of the FTSE China 25 Index. The Fund invests 90 of its assets in the underlying index which represents the performance of the largest companies in the China equity market.

u$s 31,09
+ 0,3900 (1,27%)
Fecha/Hora: 24/12/2024 Volumen: 20.147.413
Mínimo: 30,92 Últ. cierre: 30,70
Máximo: 31,13 Apertura 31,01
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New York Stock Exchange

Gráficos por TradingView

Fuente:  Reuters. Las cotizaciones tienen una demora de al menos 20 minutos.  - Información diferida en 30 minutos - Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial